
Leadership for Gillionville Baptist Church is provided by our pastoral and administrative staff. Our pastors and staff strive to love God and love people in everything they do. Our team has a wealth and variety of educational, ministry and life experiences.  If you have any questions about our church or an area of ministry please let them know!

Chad Ellis

Chad Ellis serves as the senior pastor of Gillionville Baptist Church. Before joining our team in 2015 he served churches in Alabama, Texas and Georgia. He holds degrees from Auburn University and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

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Roy Cook

Roy Cook is our pastor of education and administration. He holds degrees from Ouachita Baptist University and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. A native of Louisiana, Roy has over 40 years of ministry experience, having served in churches in Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana and Georgia. He has been serving at Gillionville since 2003.

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Bryan Haynes

Bryan Haynes is our pastor of students.  A former graphic/web designer, Bryan was called to the ministry full-time in 2010.  He holds a BFA from the University of Georgia and is currently pursuing a Master of Divinity in Apologetics at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

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Danny James

Danny James has served as the worship pastor at Gillionville since 2012.  Before Danny joined our team he served as a worship pastor, college minister, band teacher and music therapist.

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Laurie Wunch


Carol Long 

Ministry Assistant

Jon Bergrab

Media Director 

Maggie Cannady

Interim Children's Ministry Director